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Hello, welcome to my website.


This is a place where we participate in the transformative power of art.


Here you'll be able to:


*access my blog and blog archives,​

*find information on 

writing & ecology workshops,​

*link to my published works,​

check out upcoming events,

*Drop me a line, and

*Join my mailing list.​


It's winter so I'm hibernating!
See you in the spring.
I got to be the editor of this anthology!

Originally from Egypt, I live in Kansas City where I make my home with three daughters who daily inspire me to evolve. My life trajectory has taken many paths: I have worked as an English teacher, a stay-at-home mom, a farmhand, & a farm to school coordinator. I have worked in environmental education & green infrastructure. Currently I am a KCAI writing adjunct & teach adult EAL.
What has been a constant through all those vocations? Writing! I am an award-winning internationally published writer active in Kansas City’s writing scene. I serve on the editorial team of Kansas City Voices, conduct writing workshops & serve as Poetry-Editor-in-Residence for Flying Ketchup press. I also blog about environmental issues from the intersection of justice & spirituality & provide workshops on ecologyWhat am I discovering through my rich, varied experiences?

The imagination at play is emancipatory medicine through which we create community: with ourselves, each other and Earth.
Check out my first full-length poetry collection! 
Purchase a signed copy directly from me!
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